Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Endings

...and new beginnings. Witness Radar with his forever family and in his new home. Last Saturday morning was the end of Part I of Radar's story, from hunting or field trial dog to abandoned dog to shelter death row dog to rescued dog. Saturday afternoon was the beginning of Part II of Radar's story - that of beloved family dog.

Thank you Lee & Maira!


Lee DuSold said...

Molly and Ben,

Thank You for being such great Foster Parents!!

Radar is already a huge part of our lives!

I have to make a trip to AZ and I'm going to bring him with me on the drive in a month or so. He will love to go hiking through all the trails and running at the dog parks.

We never thought that any dog could ever be as special as Radar with our family so quickly. He's the Best and so are you guys and IBR Too!

Lee and Maira

MollyB said...

Oh, Lee and Maira, you're going to make us cry! We're happy beyond words and grateful to have had this experience with both of you and with Radar. Thank you...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the story about Radar's adoption!

I adopted a pointer from a foster parent rescue situation too, who is a black/white version of Radar - had the same thoughts re her being a mix (she is not - her head/expressions are just like Radar's), and recognize all my little pointer's personality traits in what you write about Radar. So true about their energy levels - once my girl has her big morning run, she is quiet couch cuddler the rest of the day. My other dog is an older GSP.

She blended in so smoothly to our family that it was like she'd been here from puppyhood - I had just lost my 13 year old dog of my lifetime (sister of my remaining GSP), and thought nothing could help. We hike out my back door daily (next to FS and BLM land), we bike with her on lead, run with her. She has lifted my sadness and is really a gift.

From another new pointer owner and new forever home, thanks for what you foster parents everywhere do for dogs. I say thanks everyday for mine, because I wouldn't have this cool kind dog in my life now, who came when I most needed a companion, without those foster parents having taken her in.

T in Oregon

MollyB said...


Thank you for your kind words and beautiful post. I'm glad your Pointer girl brought joy back into your life; these Pointers have a way of doing that and a way of almost immediately becoming loving, devoted family members.

Seeing our "foster kids" go to loving homes like yours - as we witnessed with Radar with Lee and Maira - is the greatest reward in what we do.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My Becca couldn't have been a better dog had I raised her from a pup. I am 50 and usually buy a puppy, and hang with them until old age takes its toll (wishing dogs had a turtle's lifespan). This experience about no kill shelters and foster parents has been an eye opener - I found Becca via Petfinder, what a resource that is; she was in another state (WA) and I would have never found her without it.

I couldn't imagine ever buying a puppy through a breeder again - I will always rescue one that needs a home when the time comes.

Take care and best wishes for more happy endings like Radar and Becca:)

T in Oregon