Well, it finally happened...a family has come along for Radar. It has happened so quickly; a great application from a local couple came in last weekend. On Monday, we met them and their beautiful English Cocker Spaniels - one a rescue - in our favorite park, and I think they fell for Radar just as we did. Now, a few days later, we're spending our last night with our beloved Radar. While he doesn't know he's saying goodbye to Penny tonight, we're glad he spent a final night cuddled up with her.
We'll miss this handsome, loving, sensitive boy, but we're thrilled with his new family and thankful this wonderful, wonderful dog - who was thrown away just months ago - has a new life of vacations, nights snuggled up on the couch and in bed, days spent running in dog parks, and much love. He deserves it.
Perhaps we'll run into Radar at a dog park somewhere down the road. I don't know if he'll remember us, but we'll always remember Radar.