Friday, March 28, 2008

Birds and Girls

I should carry a camera for an entire day sometime just to chronicle the life of a Pointer, especially when that Pointer is the handsome, lovable, loving Radar.

I didn't have a camera on the morning walk with Wilbur down our long, rural lane to get the morning paper. We live forty-five minutes southwest of downtown St. Louis, on the beginnings of the edges of the Ozarks. Our acreage is Pointer heaven, with pastures lined with trees on one side of the property and woods on the other, surrounded by more woods and brushy grassland. On this gray, foggy morning, the birds were active, and the boys were in their element. The beauty and restrained strength of their trembling, sharp, but elegant points is something I wish I had captured on film.

But I did grab the camera later, when Radar curled up with Penny, another of our foster pointers. They really do enjoy each other, and he is so gentle and sweet with her.